Women’s Transformative Yurtshop

This is a 3 day Yurtshop is held
February 15 and 22 and March 1st, 2025

from 10 am to 4 pm.

As independent women, we have learned how to cope.

As resilient women, we have learned how to navigate.

As advocates, we have learned how to institute policy.

As mothers, we have learned how to foster strength within our daughters.

Yet, often, we feel that we are not truly stepping into who we are.

When we stop seeing our reflection in the mirror of society, we have the choice to see our reflection in the mirror of our true nature; who we are meant to be.  

In this yurtshop we will form a sisterhood as we examine our stories.  These stories were written through our experience of life, through the messages we have received and interpreted into our being.  Experiences such as breathwork, drumming journeys, and nature immersion will help us drop into our unconscious selves to discover the roots and facets of the stories that are not serving us well at this point in our lives.  When we discover the underlying chapters which were never processed or healthfully concluded we have the opportunity to bring those chapters to an end, integrating the beauty of our whole story into a fresh, working story that can set the framework for manifesting our souls’ dream.  


This catalyst for personal growth is a great way to start 2025 and the rest of your life! 

“I participated in a Transformative Women's Yurtshop. It helped me gain insight and an action plan on creating change in my life. I found some new tools for self-care and insight into the steps I am taking to create a more peaceful self and life.” T.S. Ripton, VT

Past Workshops

Spring Women’s Moon Circle

April 8 and 23, May 7 and 23, 2024
6:00 - 7:30

Many spiritual traditions have integrated the power of the moon into their practices. Here at Trillium Healing Arts, we will follow the moon phases as we set our intentions, release that which is blocking our progress and honor our journeys.

New moon time is the time of setting intention and to go within for introspection. As the moon becomes full, shining light on our lives, we are given the opportunity to see that which does not serve us, clearly see our path, and celebrate our accomplishments.

Moon Circles are held outdoors around the fire circle and in the yurt if weather is inclement.
Participation in all circles is recommended in order to get the most out of the circle.


Transformative Women’s Workshop:
Deep healing through journeying within

Tuesday’s 7-9pm September 19 through October 24th, 2023

Middlebury, Vermont

This workshop is a safe space to bear witness to collective healing. Experiences are designed to guide us below our all-knowing conscious selves into our deep being to discover what is holding us back. Each session will allow time for integration so that we may reflect on our insights gained and better know how we can take home our newly discovered gems of wisdom.

New possibilities in how we perceive ourselves in relation to our world emerge from a place of not knowing. Kedar Brown describes a transformative opportunity as “standing in the threshold between who you have known yourself to be and who you are becoming”. Come, enter a sacred circle of women prepared to let go, not know, and transform so that you may step into who you are becoming.
